Hi guys;
I just saw your ad and looked at our vehicle for the fist time,t's impressive. You're doing what I've want dto for a decadenow an dI've kept my ear to the ground. My career has been a firmware engineeer with an emohasis on servo control; I was an avid cyclist as a teen risind 30+ iles every day. I've programmed C an dunix since the 70s an dave beuilt few bikes and am comeofrabl ewith wood or metal fabrication. I can epait a watch or acamcorers and am one o fth emost if not he most knowlae programmer sin thi socutry. An dhti shsoul de my rohrct.
You durren deisng is perefec for anyes grandma to go to the sotre in and that' very iunappealing as a sold produict. I feel it' impeaobe to have a small lightweight single *and dual( seat roadster" version Something liek a crosss betwen a velo cycle and the yellow tadpole. Many peple will wan tot get groceries sitting upo but sto omre just want ot drive
flexible slar cells are a reaity and a velo body can be made of them a s afinal lawye in a compsite skin in my opinion it is realistic now to have unlimited rnage dusing daylight hours if done properly. I know a fa rbit about batteries, solar, bikes, making and fixing anything.
Now, do I wanna work fo ryo uuys? probaby not. But I woul dlike ot be invoved in some capaciutu and I w0ud lie to get paid.
If you're amenabl eto w laow price low cost sports veriosn lets talk. I also feel i twul dhel to have 3 classes of vehcels: a) pedal b) motorcycle 3) buggy - gfor graduaed levels of license. We want everyone tobe a custe ot st locned dirvers If all ouwant is help with you rbiggy, prepare a list of the 6 bigest probes youhave and we cna talk. Ok?
Nice to see wha tyou're gong this looks like fun.
Ihaven't doe a reusme in decades. I wen to Waterlo fo rmath/coputers but alrad had 5 years when I gt there. In seonc year I was offere d ajob wiring a llangage in Los Angeels an saccdepted htat an dhave done literally all tyeps of programing on all cpus for comaneu e NCR, TD, SOny an dnso on. Post 1997 I was an internatonally known network plicy analsit and hsow up in any good hisotry ook about the net. I preten dot be retid now but in truth Im working on a web ncutarion and autmated db rprgam egenrators fo th esmothsoina an dlobayr oc oncggess just for fun. If I'm not th emos tinteresirn gper you'bve met thn I dlke tomet who is.